Nature and Empire in Ottoman Egypt: An Environmental History (Studies in Environment and History) [Hardcover]
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"This book adds an important new dimension to the historiography of Ottoman Egypt. The author makes very intelligent use of Ottoman administrative documents and Muslim court records from a variety of Egyptian locales in order to situate this critical region within the new cutting-edge scholarship on the role of the environment and natural resource management in history." - Jane Hathaway, Ohio State University, author of The Arab Lands under Ottoman Rule, 1516-1800
"Alan Mikhail deploys an impressive array of environmental history insights. He asks new questions and comes up with startling answers." - Richard W. Bulliet, Columbia University
"Nature and Empire in Ottoman Egypt offers a history of the Ottoman world like no other. The force of environmental processes, the lived detail of peasant life, and the emergent forms of modern governmental power interact in this highly original account of early modern Egypt." - Timothy Mitchell, Columbia University
Based on both the local records of various towns and villages in rural Egypt and the imperial orders of the Ottoman state, this book charts how changes in the control of natural resources fundamentally altered the nature of Ottoman imperial sovereignty in Egypt and throughout the empire.
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